Valentine’s Day – Decisions to Make Before the Big Day! ❤
Valentine’s Day has a way of making us choose and acknowledge whom is important in our lives, whom we want to pursue, and whom we don’t actually want to keep in our lives. It has a way of pressuring us to make commitments and also does the opposite effect, encouraging a break-up before the big day, if necessary. Nothing can be worse than spending Valentine’s Day with someone you don’t want to be with any longer. Sometimes a little pressure is what we need when it comes to making decisions. Especially if you feel that something isn’t quite “right” with your significant other. It sure would be nice to know if they are being faithful to you when you suspect otherwise. Lucky for you, you CAN find out if you pay close attention to these few clues: Avoiding intimacy, all of a sudden and habitually working late, getting defensive when asked simple questions like “what did you do today?” and being mean to you. The last one usually isn’t viewed as a sign of infidelity, but indeed, when a person is experiencing intimacy and feelings for someone else, they will feel annoyed with you and no longer want to impress you. Even your call or text can feel annoying to them. If they are investing in someone else, you are in the way of their relationship with this new person.
Face it, you are in a sort of “competition” for your partner’s time and attention. If fact, these very two important items are the first to dwindle when someone is cheating on you. Time and attention. That’s not to say that someone is definitely cheating when you see these signs, so always approach carefully and most importantly, with facts, instead of accusations. How do you get facts? There are a number smart spyware you can utilize on my website because let’s face it, cheaters don’t usually admit to their wrongdoing. It would be helpful to know whether your suspicions are true, or if there is a different issue between you that you will need to approach differently. If you prefer, I can put your suspicions to rest through some good investigative work. Visit my webpage at or call me at 214.823.5600.