Do’s and Don’ts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) with Dr. Robert Nieto


With all that information out there about COVID-19 coronavirus, we cannot help but feel overwhelmed about what we should and should not be doing. Here are some do’s and don’ts from health expert Dr. Robert Nieto. He is a local neurologist doctor in the DFW metroplex of 24 years. Everyone is adjusting to the changes brought by the coronavirus that is sweeping over our nation. Dr. Nieto explains what you can do to protect yourself today from COVID-19.

This is a novel virus and has never infected human kind before. The biggest concern is how highly contagious it is as it spreads very quickly. This coronavirus has a unique ID number and is known as COVID-19. It is airborne and droplets settle on surfaces and linger on for hours making it very easy to be infected when people are in close proximity of each other. This virus has spread rapidly throughout the United States in the last week. The nation went from a few cases to every single state having confirmed a case of coronavirus.

The best-suggested way to stay clear form the virus is to stay home in order to prevent the infection from spreading. As some people do not display any symptoms, but are carriers of the virus and can still infect someone near them. This is the major reason the practice of social distancing has been set in place in the effort to try to prevent person-to-person contact, which is how this virus is spread.

The virus seems to be a “zoonotic” infection meaning it is a disease transmitted from an animal to a human. It does not seem to infect children as much as elderly adults with chronic illness conditions.

As of now, there is no cure. The experts are working on a vaccine but the vaccine can take 18 months to two years to collect the required data for a successful vaccine. Hospitals are focusing on ventilators to help support their ill patients during their difficult times.

Protect the community, practice social distancing, and good hygiene and do not leave your home unless it is necessary. COVID-19 is highly contagious if you are as close to breathing the same air as someone infected with the virus you can easily contract the infection too. The virus enters the body through eyes, nose, and mouth.

Below is some advice suggested by Dr. Nieto, as well as some Do’s and Don’ts to prevent the virus.


  • Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds and rinse well
    • Especially before eating a meal
  • Practice social distancing
  • Cough or sneeze into the corner of your arm
  • If use a tissue dispose of it properly
  • Have good hygiene
  • Be considerate of others

Do Not:

  • Touch your face
  • Use cell phone while eating or drinking as the carry a lot of germs and viruses
  • Do not wear a mask if you feel fine

Below are some of the main symptoms COVID-19:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

If you are feeling ill do not go to work, go shopping or be out of your home. Without being tested it is unknown if you are a carrier of the virus and can spread onto others.

This is serious case and very tragic. We will all get through this together. Stay educated and let us protect yourself by following precautions.

Listen and subscribe to the Beyond Cheater: Detective Gomez Files Podcast. To hear the exclusive interview with Dr. Robert Nieto over the Do’s and Don’ts of the Coronavirus click here.

Detective Gomez is an expert in infidelity investigations. If you have any concerns, are suspicious and need help finding out what your partner might be up to please contact Detective Gomez. He will investigate whether your partner is being unfaithful.

Check out our website at or call us at 214-823-5600.

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Detective Gomez has utilized his many years of service in the police force, and used his experience and training to become an exceptional investigator.

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