Alex Stein: Troll or Truth
Alex Stein, self proclaimed right wing “comedian who prides himself with successfully trolling public figures. Not too many people outside of Republican circles had heard of Alex Stein recently. Proudly residing in the DFW metro area of north Texas, this little known stand up comedian shot to internet fame by trolling some of the most famous people in current events.
Here is a list of some of his most memorable works:
February 2022, Dallas City Council was interrupted by Alex Stein performing his self composed rap concerning Covid-19 vaccines.
This past March, Alex Stein showed up to a Plano Texas city council meeting and attempted to entertain all in attendance with a well worded rap that targeted the Russian President Putin and heralded the courage of Ukrainian President Zelensky. His lyrics included a death threat for Putin and a rant about the price of gas.
Stein, becoming a regular at local city council meetings, showed up again at the Dallas meeting in May to confront Judge Clay Jenkins about a “panty raid/trespass and reckless driving charges” from when the Judge attended Baylor. There were also rumors of Jenkins being involved in a “pie” gang that threw pies at people for fees.
Mr. Stein has harassed several lawmakers including Republicans Adam Kinzinger and Dan Crenshaw. One of the most talked about confrontations wasat the Houston Republican Party Convention, when Stein got in the face of Senator Ted Cruz, accusing him of being a “coward” and a “globalist.” He quickly turned the topics on Cruz and asked about Trump and the insults that the former President had hurled against the Senator’s wife.
Taking his show from local to national, Stein is mesmerizing his YouTube followers with his latest troll. A few days ago, the social media personality approached Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the steps on the steps on the capitol in Washington D.C. Stein accused the U.S. senator of wanting to “kill babies” followed up by calling her a “Big Booty Latina.” AOC clapped back with accusations of sexual harassment against the comedian/conspiracy theorist. Doubtful that there will be any official repercussions for his off handed comments, but social media is in an uproar.
Will Alex Stein bring his brand of crazy back home to Texas?
Or will he continue his national troll tour and start attending city council meetings in NY? Or maybe Chicago?
Or will he go international?
Remember this Prime Time #99 is on the Grind!!
Follow him on You Tube!