Are You The Only One On His Shopping List? |Christmas Cheaters


He Gave You A Diamond…But Who Else Is He Buying Presents For?

Are You The Only One On His Shopping List?

You open the pretty little box, and inside is the nicest ring you have seen, and it was from him.

Or maybe you love the necklace from the well known jewelry store ads, and he got it for you.

He is your prince, your knight in shining armor.  

And look how much he loves you!

But do not get sidetracked by the karats.

Don’t let the flash of the diamonds blind you to the truth.

Are you the only one that received a gift from this store?

Is there someone else on his shopping list for Christmas gifts?

Christmas is the only time of the year that you can’t really ask your partner/spouse about the credit card bills.  Let’s be serious, if you ask what this charge was, the response would be, “Your Christmas present, want me to ruin the surprise?!?”  This is the only time of the year that we let down all of our defenses and believe every excuse that is thrown our way.

But the truth is, the holidays are a time, when if there have been signs of infidelity, you need to keep your eyes open.  Do not let your guard down because of all the eggnog and warm feelings of the season.  This is the time to be on high alert for any indications to back up your suspicions of possible infidelity.

Here are some examples that you should take note of:

-Many stores have promotions on new store credit…does he have a new credit line?

-Most jewelry stores are running holiday sales…is the charge far more than the item costs?

-Added delivery charges…was your gift delivered?

Not sure what details you are looking for in the bills and charges from the holidays?

Can’t explain that looming feeling in the pit of your stomach that something is amiss?

Are you seeing the signs but do not know how to put them all together?

Call Detective Daniel Gomez today!  Don’t wait for the new year, don’t let something go on longer than it should have.  Call the detective that can take care of all your investigative needs. 

Now is the time to put your mind at ease.

Detective Gomez has over 25 years of experience with investigations of infidelity, both personally and professionally.  He can handle any situation, with confidentiality and professionalism. He knows how to find the evidence of cheating and how to find out who he/she is cheating with.  Detective Daniel Gomez is the best in the business, and he is waiting for your call.  He will put your mind at ease…call today.  Subscribe today!



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Detective Gomez has utilized his many years of service in the police force, and used his experience and training to become an exceptional investigator.

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